Monday, August 21, 2017

Justin - Eclipse

The Dance

An ancient dance again to climax comes
As Luna takes her place on wing of stage.
Accustomed to moving in realm of dark,
She minuets into the brilliant light.
Looking upstage, gracefully she moves.
Her gaze is not for us, but Sol alone.
Face not seen as ev’ry step is timed
‘til, silhouetted crossing before him,
Her form explodes in radiant beams of light.
Haloed as she moves to find her mark,
She pauses briefly face to face with him.
We watchers now in total darkness left,
(Their moment meant for them and them alone)
Then shifting light once captured now exposed
Her form again in silhouette is seen.
Their moment done, she moves to exit stage.
But did she kiss Sol’s cheek as she danced past?
His rays seem brighter now for her embrace.
As she departs to rule her realm of night;
Shifting tides and overseeing dreams,
Inspiring our wooing serenades.
She will return to dance with Sol again,
But the night belongs to her alone.
He can never come to find her there.   

Eclipse Limerick

When the moon cuts her path ‘cross the day,
And the light of near noon goes away,
It is not world’s end,
So fear not, my good friend;
Give no heed to what false prophets say.

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