Friday, August 25, 2017

Jason - Ridulous Confession

I left the lid up

So late at night, say two a.m.
The bed, it holds your lessened glow
Perhaps you’re up to cough up phlegm
Or grab a nighttime treat, although
More likely you just had to go
So loud the splash declared your plight
I might, to you, a “Sorry!” owe
I left the toilet lid up right

No chance to my faux pas condemn
So urgent was your bladder flow
The little hairs on porcelain rim
And stains in cloak of shadow
Each mark to grant you more ammo
Alas, ‘twould not be evenings fight
You found by feel and not by show
I left the toilet lid up right

I think of words on this mayhem
How you, not I, this trouble sew
With late night drinks and vision dim
In way to you, yourself bestow
And then I hear your growl start low
Then anger ripped into the night
Excuses melt as fallen snow
I left the toilet lid up right

I reckon ways this brought you woe
And so this man has seen the light
With cheerless dark despair I know
I left the toilet lid up right

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