Saturday, August 12, 2017

Jason - True Crime

My Castle

The jewel of Jackson Park
Chicago born anew
Dressed white and lit in spark
And nothing left askew

Madam has walked enough
And now she seeks relief
Suggest and touch her cuff
The lure of quaint belief

At first her hand retreats
I charm but she’s aloft
“A moment off the street?”
And posture then grows soft

You must adore my place
Its parlors to unwind
It has a private space
A feel of peace you’ll find

The World’s Fair Hotel
Is such a perfect name
With mysteries to tell
And modicum of fame

Your dainty had will craft
A letter from my desk
So near the downward shaft
It’s all a bit burlesque

Recline upon the lounge
And rest your lovely head
You’ll never have to scrounge
And sleep just like the dead

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