Friday, August 25, 2017

Jason - Ridulous Confession

I left the lid up

So late at night, say two a.m.
The bed, it holds your lessened glow
Perhaps you’re up to cough up phlegm
Or grab a nighttime treat, although
More likely you just had to go
So loud the splash declared your plight
I might, to you, a “Sorry!” owe
I left the toilet lid up right

No chance to my faux pas condemn
So urgent was your bladder flow
The little hairs on porcelain rim
And stains in cloak of shadow
Each mark to grant you more ammo
Alas, ‘twould not be evenings fight
You found by feel and not by show
I left the toilet lid up right

I think of words on this mayhem
How you, not I, this trouble sew
With late night drinks and vision dim
In way to you, yourself bestow
And then I hear your growl start low
Then anger ripped into the night
Excuses melt as fallen snow
I left the toilet lid up right

I reckon ways this brought you woe
And so this man has seen the light
With cheerless dark despair I know
I left the toilet lid up right

Justin - Ridiculous Confession

I am a Pirate
Though when he asked, I knew that I
Should give to him an answer plain,
I stooped down low to meet his eye
And plant a kernel in his brain;
And though I knew it quite insane
To plant such nonsense in his head,
Temptation I could not restrain:
“I am a pirate” is what I said.

Patient I waited his reply,
Prepared for wounded pride to feign.
Bandana, earrings caught his eye;
I watched as gears spun in his brain.
When he asked upon which main
I kept my ship of purpose dread,
“The Great Salt Lake,” a whisper strained,
“I am a pirate” is what I said.

And even then so sure was I
That he would call my tale inane,
But cocking head with smile sly
I hitched one more proof to this train,
And from the closet did obtain
A tricorn to place on my head,
As though it were my crown of reign:
“I am a pirate” is what I said.

And so he held to that refrain
Two years before the lie was dead;
Two years before his words, my pain
“You’re not a pirate” is what he said.  

Monday, August 21, 2017

Justin - Eclipse

The Dance

An ancient dance again to climax comes
As Luna takes her place on wing of stage.
Accustomed to moving in realm of dark,
She minuets into the brilliant light.
Looking upstage, gracefully she moves.
Her gaze is not for us, but Sol alone.
Face not seen as ev’ry step is timed
‘til, silhouetted crossing before him,
Her form explodes in radiant beams of light.
Haloed as she moves to find her mark,
She pauses briefly face to face with him.
We watchers now in total darkness left,
(Their moment meant for them and them alone)
Then shifting light once captured now exposed
Her form again in silhouette is seen.
Their moment done, she moves to exit stage.
But did she kiss Sol’s cheek as she danced past?
His rays seem brighter now for her embrace.
As she departs to rule her realm of night;
Shifting tides and overseeing dreams,
Inspiring our wooing serenades.
She will return to dance with Sol again,
But the night belongs to her alone.
He can never come to find her there.   

Eclipse Limerick

When the moon cuts her path ‘cross the day,
And the light of near noon goes away,
It is not world’s end,
So fear not, my good friend;
Give no heed to what false prophets say.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Jason - Eclipse

The Dance

Bodies Dance
Bride and Groom
One radiant
One protecting
Bodies Dance
Diana and Apollo
One radiant
One remains
Body Stops

Two Eclipses

On August Twenty First within this year
The moon will pass between the earth and sun
In days proceeding men to path will run
While others hide in homes ensconced with fear
Will you be one through solar glasses peer
Or hide beneath protective foil bun
No matter which you choose the story spun
To grandkids who will often want to hear
Unless, of course, the whole thing turns
And embers down on earth do rain
To purge us all both in and out
No tongue remains to quell concerns
No tongue to sing the sweet refrain
Eclipse, the shade you cast is doubt

Monday, August 14, 2017

Justin - True Crime

A Change of Plans

I'm so sorry, my friend, we've a plan, this I know, 
But, with such room for error, it simply must go.
This scam's hard enough with a corpse to be found, 
Much more so when chancing you might come around. 
Though I do love to play and the tricking this way,
This time’s not for fun and I must have the pay, 
(And the pay is much better just divided by two)
So you see that the problem, my friend, is, well, you!
Now I could gut you and skin you and sell you for parts
And be quite satisfied as I make you my art,
But the insurance pays so much better, my friend, 
(Though it might seem less of a glorified end)
But fear not, I'll make sure to take care of your wife,
(Lest I find a way also of ending her life.)
So I'm sorry, so sorry to call off our game; 
The plan seemed such fun, it is truly a shame. 
Yes I'm sorry, my friend, we'd a plan, this I know, 
But with such room for error, well you simply must go.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Jason - True Crime

My Castle

The jewel of Jackson Park
Chicago born anew
Dressed white and lit in spark
And nothing left askew

Madam has walked enough
And now she seeks relief
Suggest and touch her cuff
The lure of quaint belief

At first her hand retreats
I charm but she’s aloft
“A moment off the street?”
And posture then grows soft

You must adore my place
Its parlors to unwind
It has a private space
A feel of peace you’ll find

The World’s Fair Hotel
Is such a perfect name
With mysteries to tell
And modicum of fame

Your dainty had will craft
A letter from my desk
So near the downward shaft
It’s all a bit burlesque

Recline upon the lounge
And rest your lovely head
You’ll never have to scrounge
And sleep just like the dead