Friday, January 20, 2017

Justin - Grocery Poem

Through the Market
As I walk to the doors, the glass panes slide apart;
To the left, I reach out for the handle of cart.
I am here on a mission, and hope for a deal;
Here to gather the items for this evening’s meal.
For salad to start, grab two bags from a roll,
A red onion and spinach to put in my bowl.
And some feta on top, and maybe black beans;
Or would olives be better to mix with my greens?
And now to the pasta, farfalle or shells?
(spaghetti is boring but bowties do well)
Some tomatoes to crush, stewed whole in the can,
And we’ll top it all off with a nice parmesan.
For meat in the sauce, some sausage with spice,
And compared to plain burger, it’s lower in price.
Now for bread, what of bread? Should I get garlic bread?
Just more carbs for the carbs; let’s say no to the bread.
But now how should we finish this gathering feast?
Something sweet with the coffee at the very least.
But what for dessert; a soufflĂ© or a tart?
A tart seems too rustic, a soufflĂ© too much art.
Now I hear echoed wisdom come back to me now:
“If you call it dessert then it must have cacao”
So then chocolate it is, but what should it be?
French silk seems too grand; Jello pudding too wee.
Then I hear singing angels and their song brings a smile,
“Haeagen-Dazs” so I head to the frozen food aisle.
So the basket contains all I needed to fill
Minus wine; thanks to Brigham, a separate bill.
To the checkout I go, I am ready to dine,
But now which of these aisles will be the best line.
Oh now who am I joking, I cannot choose right,
The one that looks fastest could be here all night.
So I must take a moment to surveil the score,
A wrong choice could cost twenty minutes or more.
I could go for the shortest: the checker’s quite old,
When he’s done with his story my cheese will be mold.
I could go for the next, but is that a trainee?
By the time I’m rung up I will def have to pee.
And then there’s the ice cream we must think about;
I should hope it’s still solid while I’m heading out.
So I look to the third line, I’ve seen her before,
She’ll scan quickly, bag smartly, get me out the door.
And she’ll do it while chatting with a friendly smile,
So then this is my choice I step into her aisle.
The line dwindles quickly, I’m ready on deck,
Says the woman before me “Can I write a check?”

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