Friday, August 19, 2016

Limericks of Laughter - Justin

About the writing
This week we did limericks about laughter. Most of you surely are familiar with the form and could recite one or two, though possibly not in polite company. As they are a simple and short poetic form, when I selected limericks as the form it was to be a trio. So I give you three limericks covering laughter from three angles.
The first is about the person that cannot tell a joke without breaking up laughing thus making the joke itself unintelligible (Joke.) The second is about when you are struck by a funny memory at an inappropriate moment (Inappropriate.) And the third is a meditation (if a limerick can be a meditation) on the adage “laughter is the best medicine” (Medicine.)
I had the ideas for two of them fairly early after we had chosen the assignment. The last came after I had written one.
A note about font, as limericks do tend towards humor and these are about laughter, when you print these for your Brother’s Weekly scrapbook, I would recommend Comic Sans.
So here are some limericks you can recite in polite company. Spoiler: Nantucket is not mentioned.
Three Limericks on Laughter
I once knew a jovial bloke
Who could not reach the end of a joke
By the end no one heard
An intelligent word
Still we’d laugh as up further he broke

When all that surrounds you is black
From tedium the mind does distract
You recall some old gaff
And aloud you do laugh
‘Til stern glances do summon you back

With the possible exception of rest
For medicine they say laughter is best
Though it might be a strain
To guffaw through the pain
If achieved you may count yourself blessed

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