About the writing
I am not going to be exhaustive here. There are a lot of
issues that I see with America today, most f which could be solved with “Love
your neighbor as yourself.” This is a prayer for those issues.
A Prayer for America
Father, we come to you a broken people. You created all
things and called them good and you made us in your own image. We destroy your
creation and kill your image bearers and pretend that we honor you in doing so.
We ignore the cries of the less fortunate and pretend in piety that we help
them learn by letting them do for themselves. We point our fingers at other
countries, condemning their treatment of women and minorities, and ignore our
own treatment of the same. We romanticize our country’s days of prosperity,
built on the backs of slaves, and idolize our founding fathers who called a
black man three fifths of a person all while yelling “all lives matter” to
drown out the cries of the continually oppressed. We have beholden ourselves to
political parties as if they were our salvation and held their platforms as
scripture so that we might deny the possibility of moral or intellectual
standing of those who oppose us. We pretend to strive to make things better
while refusing to face our own sins against you and against our brothers and
sisters. We do not understand and we do not try to. Heal us, oh Lord.
I pray that you will teach us to care for your creation as
you charged Adam to do and to see your image in all people regardless of how
they may look, speak or believe differently than us.
I pray that you remind us that it was a Samaritan, one of
mixed race, in your parable helping his neighbor, a stranger in need on the
road. That we would remember that our neighbor is not one who necessarily looks
like us, but one in need of our help. That we cannot cross the street ignoring
his need and obey your command to love him. And that we cannot say we love
while we ignore his cry for help.
I pray that the cry of “black lives matter” should cease because
an empowered majority finally, willingly sets aside its privilege in love and fights
to fix a system that disproportionately targets people of color. That we should
live remembering that violence begets violence; that inequality begets
resentment and hate, and need begets desperation.
I pray that you will embolden good police officers of this
country to stand against those that abuse their power; that there would be just
accountability for excessive force and for unfair targeting of people based on
their skin color or style of dress. That you will not allow the corruption of
some to taint the whole and that “protect and serve” is recognized to mean ALL
I pray that we can have civilized dialogue about our issues
and make strides to correct our errors instead of blaming and demonizing those
we disagree with. That we would search for common ground to build from instead
looking for subversive motives. That we learn to listen to understand rather
than listening to respond.
God, we are broken and I am broken. I pray that you would
show me where I have bought into the lie of a broken system and what I must do
to be part of the solution. Show me where I am racist and sexist, where I use
my privilege and what I must do to lay it down and work for the betterment of
all people regardless of their color, gender or creed. Help me to have the
courage to say to my friends and family that they are wrong when I hear them
voicing hate against any group and help me listen when I am called on my own
bigotry. Help me love all people, as Christ did, sacrificially.
I believe that there is nothing that we have damaged that
you cannot fix and I believe that you work through people to your will. Heal
us, oh Lord. Make us want to be healed.
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