Friday, February 26, 2016

Video Game Justin

About the writing

I based the form of this week’s ode to a video game on Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind. Wikipedia Says it is written in iambic pentameter but the syllable count in Shelley’s first line is twelve instead of ten, so, Wikipedia is wrong and I was more free with the meter. It also has an interlocking rhyme structure within the sections, but unless you have pronunciation far different from mine, you will have difficulty rhyming “thou” with “low” or “where” with “hear.” I, however, knowing that you readers are memorizing these poems for recitations at dinner parties over cognac, have made rhymes that actually do rhyme. Not to say that I am a better poet than Mr. Shelley nor that this poem is superior to his, but I would understand if you were to think so. This poem, like the one it is based on, is written in five sections. I used each section to describe something different related to the game. I played heavily with alliteration (which is something I do not typically do,) and some internal rhymes. I also spent longer looking at punctuation than I normally do with a poem. Rhythm is intentionally choppy in places for effect. For those not knowing, Need for Speed is a series of racing video games of which I used imagery from more than one. The theme is (hopefully) obviously escapism.I like the juxtaposition of fine art form with the somewhat trivial subject matter. I really enjoyed using this form.

And, since I got so many comments about last week’s font discussion, I will tell you that I used Book Antiqua as the poetry just looked right in it.
(Editor's Note: Book Antiqua was not supported by this blog, so I could not reproduce it for your enjoyment.)

Ode to Need for Speed

The power pressed, I take my seat to drive;
To play the part real life will not permit.
I race to breath; I race to feel alive.

This day, like those before, has been a pit.
I need escape from mundane dreary gloom.
Black screen awakens now with image lit.

In driver’s seat (blue couch in living room,)
Uncoiling the controller’s cord with care,
Ready to be free and off to zoom.

And now the music bursts into the air;
Thumping bass to make the pulse to quick.
Options for the game on bright screen blare.

Control is mine to highlight and pick
Worlds at the beckoning of a click.

City streets or perilous mountain roads
(I make my choice of pixel painted scene ;)
A desert route where red rock form erodes.

Revving wrecks the rest of glade of green
Or breaks the still of alpine meadow hush.
Tires sliding snake through snow serene.

An engine echoes in the forest lush;
Rubber squeals on quiet country lane;
Fenders scrape untidy roadside brush.

I color scenes in twilight and with rain
(Selecting from a menu at my will ;)
Escaping from reality’s mundane.

In racing tracks demanding of my skill,
My racing mind will find a place of still

Driving cars my wealth will not allow,
Painted bright and styled to impress
Virtual fans who cheer me as I wow.

A hot red roadster careening curves caress;
A yellow F1 sticking to the banks;
All express the fullness of excess.

Spoilers over trunks with nitro tanks;
Stripes and decals over panel’s shine;
Styling wilder as I climb the ranks.

Reality says these cars cannot be mine,
(And some only exist inside the game)
Yet I thrill to hear the engines whine.

These chariots that bring me to faux fame,
Virtual trophies engraved with my faux name.

Selections made, the race is set to start,
My chosen setting flashing on the screen,
My chariot’s cockpit quickens pounding heart.

The countdown - three, two, one - the light turns green.
Jamming thumb down hard the tires spin:
Full gas or full brake, nothing in between

Now pushing, tapping, weaving I begin
Overtaking, making certain not to crash;
For each inch fighting, grappling for each win.

Forward moving to the front I dash.
The race is mine if I can hold the lead;
First lap down, four more to win the sash.

I feel the tension of the day out bleed
As the need is met, the Need for Speed.

An obstacle comes now to halt my fun:
Policemen whom my driving does offend,
Intentions bent to end my reckless run,

Waiting up ahead to apprehend
(Radar revealing risks outside my sight ;)
If I cannot break through my race will end.

Daunting digital danger does excite.
Pushing hard I can’t afford a crash.
Leaning forward preparing for the fight.

Now I see blue and red lights flash
At roadblock there to make my racing done
With spike-strips laid out for my tires to slash.

But artificial cops can’t stop my fun;
Racing under the artificial sun

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