Friday, October 28, 2016

Jason - Miracle

Little Amber was saved my mystery voice

On Valentine's day a baby, being reported only as Little Amber was found alive after being trapped in a submerged car for 14 hours. Claims are she was saved by a mysterious voice.

The police who worked the accident claimed it was a horrific crash. They stated the the driver, a young woman, lost control of her vehicle and was killed on impact in the Little Rouge River. Additionally, they claimed that they heard a desperate plea of someone from inside the car before they were able to access the vehicle.

The overturned car had been found by an early morning fisherman who first spotted the accident. As he approach he said he could hear a woman from inside the car calling out, “Help Me.” He immediately contacted police and they were on the scene within the hour.

Officer Lester was one of the first to arrive on the scene. “The car had overturned in the freezing water,” Lester explained, “Which meant the officers could only work for about twenty minutes before swapping out.” The temperatures that day hovered just above freezing.

Lester explained when they got to the baby she has been suspended upside-down, just above the water line. It appeared she had, had no food or water for around 14 hours. She wore only skimpy clothes, but there was no sign the low temperature had affected her. She was examined for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.

Lester continued, “the water, because of the temperature, was so dangerous that under different circumstances we would have stopped working, but she kept calling for us.” This was a reference to the voice that all of the officers and the firemen who reported to the accident claimed to have heard. When asked who was calling, no one seemed sure, as the only survivor was an 8 month old baby.

Similar voices have claimed to be heard in an accident in Utah, with very similar circumstances, and in Virginia, where the first responder gave instructions before disappearing.

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