Friday, October 21, 2016

Jason - Rewrite


Awaken by the gentle creak.
Footsteps or wind you hear.
Night has made your heart grow weak.
You feel the presence near.
You dare not move until you know,
Which way your thoughts to steer.
You must be free! You must let go!
You can't give into fear.

So, try to quell the racing beat,
And hold your breath inside.
Don’t think of faces incomplete.
How much you want to hide.
Stop the nervous twitching moves,
That spectral haunts imply.
The want to still your mind improves,
But rest will not abide.

So, you lift your body from the bed,
And reach out for the light.
You feel that sudden sense of dread,
You can't repel the night.
The shadow's grasp your grasping hand.
You're powerless to fight.
To your feet you quickly stand.
You're now compelled by fright.

You bend your eyes to see the room,
Where darkling eddies flee.
You strive against the pressing tomb,
Which will not let you be.
You turn in place the black and blues.
Ignore the muffled plea.
You note how truth and light diffuse,
Foam left by ebon sea.

Fingers dance across your calf.
And scrape the loathsome door.
Is that a disembodied laugh?
You whisper, "Nevermore."
You make the aging hinges sing.
"What's there?" your thoughts implore.
Convinced you'll see some ghastly thing,
Not moonlit hallway floor.

But that is all your eyes reveal.
Disbelief begins to bloom.
How could all your senses feel,
The overwhelming weight of doom?
Then step, step, step you hear anew.
A wash with thickening gloom.
The ghost must want to play with you,
Just in the other room.

What could transpire if you press,
Plays out inside you head.
The specter dimly to address,
What words you would have said.
Your mind pursues the waning sound,
Your feet refuse to tread.
So in defeat you turn around,And you go back to bed.

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