Saturday, October 29, 2016


Wide shot, exterior day. Reporter standing in open, rocky desert terrain with cave opening behind him to the right.
Reporter: Here in Bethany, just a couple of miles outside of Jerusalem, a man named Lazarus died after suffering from an illness for a couple of days. Not an unusual story. No, but here it gets strange; this cave, right behind me, was Lazarus’s tomb, yet here it stands; open, empty. I’m here in Bethany to try to find out what happened here; and to interview eye witnesses to this reported miracle.

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter seated in a court yard, back to camera. Two women sit facing him.
Reporter: One month ago, your brother took ill.
Martha: Yes.
Reporter: What did you do?
Martha: Well, normally these things pass, but after a couple of days we saw he was getting worse…
Reporter: So, did you send for a physician?
Mary: A doctor had come early on and said all he could do was rest and pray. As he got worse, we sent for Jesus.

Wide shot, exterior day. Reporter slowly moving towards the cave entrance while talking
Reporter: Jesus of Nazareth has been called many things in this area. He is a wandering teacher who travels with a group of disciples and frequently attracts large audiences when he stops to speak. Not popular with religious leaders, yet many call him “Rabbi” some call him “Lord” and some claim an even higher title…

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter seated in a court yard, back to camera. Two women sit facing him.
Reporter: Why send for a vagrant teacher?
Mary: He’s not just a teacher; He’s…the Christ the prophets spoke of.
Martha: He is the Son of God.
Reporter: That’s a big claim.
Martha: He’s done big things. He’s given sight to the blind. He’s fed thousands of people with just a few loaves and fish.
Reporter: Could he not just be a prophet, or someone else empowered by God?
Mary: No. He claims to be the Christ and God’s son. If he’s not, if he’s a liar, then how is my brother alive?

Wide shot, exterior day. Reporter crouching by the cave opening. Shot tightens as reporter speaks.
Reporter: That is a question I am not yet able to answer. Could he exaggerate his claims? Certainly previous prophets have used hyperbole in their pronouncements. Unfortunately, I was not able to get an interview with Jesus himself, but I was able to sit down with one of his disciples, Thomas.

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter seated in a court yard, back to camera. A man sits facing him.
Reporter: Were you with Jesus when he received the message that Lazarus was sick?
Thomas: Yes, we had went across the Jordan because Jesus had upset the religious leaders and they wanted to arrest him; maybe stone him.
Reporter: So you all risked arrest to come back into the area?
Thomas: Yes...well, not right away. We stayed where we were for two more days preaching and baptizing.
Reporter: Two more days? Did he not understand how serious it was?
Thomas: He understood, I think, when he told us it was time to come, he said Lazarus had died. Actually no, he said he had fallen asleep and he was going to wake him, but we didn’t understand. Then he told us plainly, Lazarus had died.
Reporter: He could have saved him though, right? If he knew he was dying he could have went and saved him, right?
Thomas: Yes. He said something about it being better for our sake that he didn’t save him from dying; so that we could believe.

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter seated in a court yard, back to camera. Two women sit facing him.
Reporter: How long did it take for Jesus to arrive?
Mary: I’m not sure, longer than it should have. Lazarus had been buried for four days by the time Jesus got here.
Reporter: What happened then?
Martha:  I heard he was nearing Bethany so I went out to meet him…
Mary: I was very upset. I stayed at home. I felt let down.
Martha: I told him I knew he could have saved Lazarus, but that I also knew that anything he asked from God would be given to him. He told me Lazarus would rise again and asked if I believed him. I told him I knew he was the Christ, God’s son. I believed. Then I went and got Mary.
Mary: When I got there I told him I knew if he had come earlier, Lazarus would be alive. Maybe I shouldn’t have laid that on him, but I was so upset. I could tell I upset him when I said it. He looked so sad. All he said was “Where have you laid him?”

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter crouched by cave entrance.
Reporter: They brought Jesus here, to Lazarus’s tomb. Here is where the story takes an odd turn. Here, the man that they claim to be God’s son, did the most human thing.

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter seated in a court yard, back to camera. A man sits facing him.
Thomas: He wept. He said he was coming to wake him up, to bring him back from the dead, and when the moment of truth came, when we were standing in front of the grave, he cried like he was uh.
Reporter: Human?
Thomas: Yeah, I guess.

Close up on Martha.
Martha: He told me he was going to bring him back, and then he stood there and wept. He asked me if I believed and then he cried. I was so confused. People were talking, friends that had come from Jerusalem to be with us. They were saying “Look how much he loved him,” and “If he healed the blind, couldn’t he have kept Lazarus from dying?”
Reporter: (off camera) But that’s not it is it?
Martha: No. When he finished he said to open the tomb.

Close up on Mary
Mary: Martha told him he’d been buried four days, that he would be starting to stink. He looked at him and asked her “Didn’t you say you believed?”

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter seated in a court yard, back to camera. A man sits facing him.
Thomas: They opened the tomb. I was expecting a lightning flash or a big boom or that he’d go in and pray over the body. He just stood there and called him to come out. Like Lazarus was just in there sitting, waiting for him to call.

Close up on a man.
Lazarus: It was like I just woke up and heard Jesus calling for me to come out. So I did.
Reporter: (off camera You just got up and walked out?
Lazarus: (laughs) No, I was wrapped up for burial, I kind of hopped out.
Reporter: You could have called back for help.
Lazarus: I was dead and then I heard Jesus calling me. I didn’t need help; I needed to get up and go.
Reporter: What do you want to tell people about this?
Lazarus: I was dead, now I’m alive; what more is there to say?

Medium close up, exterior day. Reporter crouched by cave entrance.
Reporter: What more indeed. Jesus came saying he would raise the dead, and he did. But before, what I still can’t manage to grasp, knowing he could raise him, he wept. He mourned for a man he knew he would heal. Is he the Christ or a prophet? Is he God or is he a man? This reporter can’t make sense of this strange wandering rabbi, but maybe I don’t need to. A man was dead in this tomb a month ago, now he is at home with his sisters. Maybe that is all the answer we need.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Jason - Miracle

Little Amber was saved my mystery voice

On Valentine's day a baby, being reported only as Little Amber was found alive after being trapped in a submerged car for 14 hours. Claims are she was saved by a mysterious voice.

The police who worked the accident claimed it was a horrific crash. They stated the the driver, a young woman, lost control of her vehicle and was killed on impact in the Little Rouge River. Additionally, they claimed that they heard a desperate plea of someone from inside the car before they were able to access the vehicle.

The overturned car had been found by an early morning fisherman who first spotted the accident. As he approach he said he could hear a woman from inside the car calling out, “Help Me.” He immediately contacted police and they were on the scene within the hour.

Officer Lester was one of the first to arrive on the scene. “The car had overturned in the freezing water,” Lester explained, “Which meant the officers could only work for about twenty minutes before swapping out.” The temperatures that day hovered just above freezing.

Lester explained when they got to the baby she has been suspended upside-down, just above the water line. It appeared she had, had no food or water for around 14 hours. She wore only skimpy clothes, but there was no sign the low temperature had affected her. She was examined for signs of hypothermia and frostbite.

Lester continued, “the water, because of the temperature, was so dangerous that under different circumstances we would have stopped working, but she kept calling for us.” This was a reference to the voice that all of the officers and the firemen who reported to the accident claimed to have heard. When asked who was calling, no one seemed sure, as the only survivor was an 8 month old baby.

Similar voices have claimed to be heard in an accident in Utah, with very similar circumstances, and in Virginia, where the first responder gave instructions before disappearing.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Jason - Rewrite


Awaken by the gentle creak.
Footsteps or wind you hear.
Night has made your heart grow weak.
You feel the presence near.
You dare not move until you know,
Which way your thoughts to steer.
You must be free! You must let go!
You can't give into fear.

So, try to quell the racing beat,
And hold your breath inside.
Don’t think of faces incomplete.
How much you want to hide.
Stop the nervous twitching moves,
That spectral haunts imply.
The want to still your mind improves,
But rest will not abide.

So, you lift your body from the bed,
And reach out for the light.
You feel that sudden sense of dread,
You can't repel the night.
The shadow's grasp your grasping hand.
You're powerless to fight.
To your feet you quickly stand.
You're now compelled by fright.

You bend your eyes to see the room,
Where darkling eddies flee.
You strive against the pressing tomb,
Which will not let you be.
You turn in place the black and blues.
Ignore the muffled plea.
You note how truth and light diffuse,
Foam left by ebon sea.

Fingers dance across your calf.
And scrape the loathsome door.
Is that a disembodied laugh?
You whisper, "Nevermore."
You make the aging hinges sing.
"What's there?" your thoughts implore.
Convinced you'll see some ghastly thing,
Not moonlit hallway floor.

But that is all your eyes reveal.
Disbelief begins to bloom.
How could all your senses feel,
The overwhelming weight of doom?
Then step, step, step you hear anew.
A wash with thickening gloom.
The ghost must want to play with you,
Just in the other room.

What could transpire if you press,
Plays out inside you head.
The specter dimly to address,
What words you would have said.
Your mind pursues the waning sound,
Your feet refuse to tread.
So in defeat you turn around,And you go back to bed.

Justin - Ghost Story Revisited

The Child on the Floor

As I sat at my desk writing, gently coaxing and inviting
Prose from sorrow’s soul to paper through my hand and pen outpour,
I caught a chill I could not fend and thought the fire to attend,
So rising, going there to mend, to mend the flames that roared before,
I spoke “My love, it grows cold; I’ll mend the flames that roared before,”
To the child on the floor.

Now the child oft there played since mother, sister had been laid
To rest having caught a fever in autumn of the year before.
And I smiled to see her folly, sitting, playing with a dolly,
It fought against the melancholy always pressing at the door;
The melancholy growing there where two were left where once was four
The autumn of the year before.

It was a favorite of the older sister when the days grew colder,
Huddled with her toys and playing warm before the fire’s roar.
Then the younger took the spot to sit before the fire hot,
For Jane I’m sure, and for me not she took the spot upon the floor;
To honor Jane she took to playing warm before the fire’s roar,
Quiet on the study floor.

The household staff had thought it strange, the child did her habits change,
To leave her room and take to playing where her sister had before.

I said I did not see the harm; I liked to have her near my arm,
And that the cause of their alarm they should mention nevermore;
She bought me some small solace from the sorrow knocking at the door
Since autumn of the year before.

Spoke my daughter “Is it cold? We had not noticed, truth be told.
For me, the company does keep me warm inside your study’s door.”
I smiled “My dear you are quite sweet; to think my presence might bring heat,
To keep the chill from toes and feet as flames will dwindle more and more;

To think that your dull father might replace the warmth from fire’s roar,
Tis enough for winter’s store.”

“Papa I do not wish you pain, but saying ‘we’ I spoke for Jane;

'Tis Jane whose friendship brings me in to play upon your study floor
She says she never feels the cold since the fever loosed its hold;
When green gave way to red and gold preparing for the winter’s hoar; 
When autumn’s leaves were growing old October of the year before,”
Said my daughter on the floor.
My tongue did fight to find reply, as my child I stepped by,
While busying my hands and giving new attention to my chore.
Did I somehow my daughter fail not seeing she in grief did ail
And her mind was growing frail, building an imagined lore?
Building a world of fancy as reality she did abhor,
This broken child on the floor.
“But Jane says mother’s always cold, since the fever took its hold,
That she will only come to sit when flames of fire fiercely roar.
Then she’ll come and take her chair, when fire wards off chilly air
And quietly she joins us there as she has done for years before;
She sits and tries to catch some warmth in the blazing fire’s roar
Now still ever as before.”
How my daughter’s words did prick, and flush the face and pulse to quick,
Hearing of her world of fancy formed around her on the floor.
Still I could not form a word as thought flew off like frightened bird
Vision being by tears blurred, as her speech my soul did bore;
As my daughter’s words into the wildest wish of heart did bore,
Spoken from the study floor.
Trembling now I sought to make the embers left of fire wake,
To thaw my precious daughter who was frozen in a time before.
I did not wish to make her weep and yet to wake her from her sleep,
Away with fantasy to sweep and bring her back from dreamland’s shore.
And yet I did not wish to steal the comfort of fallacious lore
From her dreamy, sunny shore.

As I got the fire blazing, I found myself at daughter gazing
When thoughts were interrupted by a shuffling down the hallway floor.
Joining to the floorboards creaking old door hinges started squeaking,
As if the answer of her speaking, inward swung the study door.
The shuffling sound, but nothing seen; the shuffling just and nothing more;
Shuffling towards the fire's roar.
I gasped but could not find the air, stumbling, reaching for my chair,
I fought to find the calm and peace my precious sanctum to restore.
Then I spied her slippers there, neatly placed beneath her chair,
As if she had with her feet bare stretched out to bask in fire’s roar;
As if my wife had again come visit me as oft before;
Oft then, but maybe oft once more.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Jason - Men vs. Women

Miracle Max's Tale

“If dead, go through his clothes and look for change.”
To Max, the man he bellowed croaked, “T-r-u-e L-o-v-e.”
Said Inigo, “True Love!” in voice less strange.
“To Blave, which means to bluff,” lied Max thereof.
“He cheated, probably while playing cards.”
The little old lady then storms the room,
With aged hands in air and teeth like shards.
“You Liar, Liar,” red, the woman fumed.
Retorting, angry shout, “Get Back! You Witch!”
“I’m not a Witch. I am your wife!” says she.
The thoughtless words flyout, a wild pitch,
“Perhaps, from Mrs. Max to Valerie!”
Quipped Max, “Never did you have it so good!”
“But words True Love, not blave, were understood!”

And with a wave, “Don’t say another word!”
“Prince Humperdinck had fired him; the shame.”
“That moniker should not again be heard.
You promised you would not pronounce that name!”
She jeers, “Prince Humperdinck! Prince Humperdink!”
He turns and shouts, “I am not listening!”
“True love, it stills, and you just let him sink?”
“O Valerie, I’m not hearing nothing”
With wild eyes, “Prince Humperdinck!” she breaks.
“Heal him! And then the Prince can not be wed!”
To Inigo, “So, Humperdinck then aches?”
“Insults galore! Her man no longer dead!”
Then Max, “Now that’s a job that I will do”
In wifely victory she gives a “Woo!”

Justin - Man vs. Woman

Two Songs of Misogyny
The man, he seeks to build or to destroy,
Exerting his control on all around;
By self-control though he cannot be bound;
That trait does not belong to man or boy.
And so when near a woman acting coy,
The scent is caught by his internal hound.
Can we forbid the animal to bound
When nature’s forces do his paws employ?
Hormonally fueled grabbing, groping lust;
Locker-room banter raising bitter bile-
Genetic code; to blame him is unjust
(And to fight it can be such a trial.)
Men can’t but help see women as their toys;
It’s said, and we well know, “boys will be boys.”
So woman, though irrational by birth,
Must be the one who helps him be a gent;
Ignoring what for locker-rooms was meant
And dodging grasping hands with gleeful mirth.
With care she should keep covered all her worth,
Lest tempting flesh the last of weak will spent-
Remember that exposure means consent,
And flame is hard to fight once it’s brought forth.
It is her job her virtue to protect.
Which means to shield him whom by lust is weak.
A shoulder or a knee have strong effect-
So careful not to slip the smallest peek. 
Far simpler to her body fully drape
Than 'tis to teach a boy how not to rape. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Justin - Sidekick

Dear Mom and Dad,
You’ve been gone for a while now, I still miss you. I’ve fallen into a kinda strange life. I guess I didn’t realize how weird it was at first having been born in a literal circus, but I’ve been starting to notice some things.
Bruce makes sure my schooling is taken care of and Alfred always keeps us well fed, but I’m starting to feel like I might be expendable. That might not be the right word. I mean, we go out after bad guys and the bigger, stronger, better trained guy is wearing a custom Kevlar plated full body suit while I’m running around in a red shirt and green silk underwear. When I first started, it felt like Halloween every night and I felt like I was doing something to help keep another kid from growing up an orphan. Now though, I’m standing to the side while the mayor thanks Batman and, ”oh right, the Boy Wonder” for saving the city from the Joker AGAIN, and I’m thinking the wonder is I didn’t get killed. It’s not like I’ve been fighting other kids for the last five years. I’ve been fighting the same hardened psychopaths that B has. I’ve even started to realize that when Gordon or Alfred would ask if I was ok, they weren’t talking about my parents dying, they were wondering how I was not severely injured. Why did they let him take a kid on the street?
Since I’ve been able to drive, it’s been worse. If we split up on an investigation, I go off on my motorcycle in my greenie tighties with no helmet (because it would mess up the look of the costume) while the big bat with his bullet-proof cowl and armored suit takes off in his armored Batmobile that has enough weapons to take out a small army. While were comparing costumes, he has most of his face covered, I have an eye-mask; how has no one figured out who I am? Bad enough that in costume I’m in bright colored briefs with no armor, but seriously HOW DOES ALL OF GOTHAM NOT NO WHO I AM? I’m pretty sure Bullock figured it out and he’s not that smart. Once I swear he said to me “You ok, Dick?” when I said “what” he said “You ok, kid?” kinda embarrassed.
With all that on my mind, Batman’s “no kill” policy is really starting to look crazy. And when something looks crazy to the kid that’s been fighting criminals in his green panties since he was 12 it’s probably crazy. It’s not even “no kill” as much as “catch and release.” Are there revolving doors on Gotham prison and Arkham Asylum? We locked up Joker 3 times last month. THREE!!! Superman doesn’t kill either, but I think he gets at least a month between Luthor’s schemes. The last time, the look on Gordon’s face when we marched the clown in, I swear he was gonna pull his gun and shoot him. You could tell he wishes B would go ahead and finish it.
Anyway, with my lack of armor, weak identity protection, and our catch and release arrest program, I’m pretty convinced I’m in constant mortal danger and I’m wondering how “the world’s greatest detective” hasn’t figured this all out. I’ll be heading to college soon, so I think I’ll stick it out with B until then. I’ll probably keep fighting crime after I leave Gotham, but I’m getting some Kevlar and some damn pants. I’m not sure how to talk about all this with B, but I’m afraid if he ever gets a new Robin, he’ll end up getting beaten to death by one of these psychos that keep breaking out of Arkham. Probably the Joker. I’ll have to figure out a new name, I think B has Robin trademarked. Something a little tougher probably. Definitely a darker costume with better coverage, like, you know, PANTS.
Well if I survive the next few months, I’ll be out on my own. B will cover my tuition I’m sure, so don’t worry, if that’s still an issue wherever you are. If I don’t survive, I’ll see you soon.
Your loving son,

Jason - Sidekick

Diary of a Former

Hygienistthe events of today and perhaps the law, compel me to release this diary, it should be clear to everyone reading this that what has happened was not the fault of Ultahombre. He is as noble and honorable today as he was the day I, his loyal sidekick, met him. He has just been distracted lately, which seems understandable given the circumstances. His biceps may be unnaturally strong, but his heart is very human.

If anything, he cares too much.

See, this whole thing all started when we learned that Dr. Dress-up had been released from State Asylum. Ulta is a believer in that place, but I am not so sure. I can still hear his deep soothing voice, “Don’t worry about it, little man, that place has been a place for a long time. Did you remember my new spinbrush head?” Now, can someone so concerned about dental hygiene be wrong? … My thoughts exactly!

Anyway, Dress-up had been given his ticket to freedom, so we entered “release and catch” mode. Ulta stood on the top of the building beside the Doctor’s apartment, staring down into his window, watching him rub his hands together and offering a menacing laugh, while the villainous one drew malevolent, red X’s on his map of the city. I just waited in the car. Let me just note, that building is very tall, so I am certain he could not have known the cat was there when he leaped down the twenty or so floors. I am also reasonably certain that the feline in question did not have an owner. Sprinkles was just a street cat. I would like to add, that if this is part of the official record, any blood found in my car, particularly that found on the passenger side, I am certain it is that of an incredibly unlucky cat and there is no need for the city to run costly tests on it. Cat blood, only cat blood. This is not to say Ultahombre was inconsiderate, just in the limited time it was hard to get that surprising amount of gore off his boots. But, I digress.

So, Ulta hopped into the car, grabbed his GUM soft pick from it's holder on the dash and with the gesture of one of his oversized hands, signaled to roll out. I glance from the hand working out a piece of breakfast down to his feet and I remember thinking, “that is what floormats are for,” as he smeared a bit of tabby fur off his black boot. “Dress-up has taken the vile visage of the elderly.” I knew exactly what that meant, so I safely guided us to the place he would certainly go, the Sunnyvale Senior Center.

In this diary, given the relevance it might have in the coming days, think it is important to note, that if I had known what was going to happen I might have taken some different precautions. I might have been a little slower in getting to the senior center or perhaps tried to engage in a de-escalating conversation. Alas, at that time I did not know that Ultahombre had what might be called emerging Mommy-issues. Nor did I see what might now be considered a snap from reality. Yes, I had noted a higher level of stress, bleeding gums and such, but when he said he was being followed or they were out to get him, I had reason to believe him. Hero work, as it is, is dangerous.

“There he is!” he shouted, pointing at who I would later learn was Mr. Evans. He was out of the car before I even had a chance to slow. If the family of Carl Evans is reading this, it should be noted that he did better weathering the flurry blows than many a super-villain. You should be very proud of him. I suppose it might have occurred to Ulta that the complexion of Mr. Evan was somewhat different than that of Dr. Dress-up or perhaps he calculated that Dress-up could not have gotten ahead of him, or perhaps it was just distraction. I can never be completely certain what is running through his marvelous mind.

So, Ulta moved on and I administered first aid, with the kit I keep in my car for just such an occasion. Now by occasion, I don’t mean the pummeling of an innocent elderly man, not to say that Mr. Evans was innocent, only a court of law can determine that, I am just saying that accidents happen, if in fact this was an accident. Sorry for the rambling, I just don’t want a repeat of...Nevermind.

No matter, while I wrapped what I thought was one of Mr. Evan’s hands, I heard the valiant cry of,”Wrinkles.” At least I think it was wrinkles. Then Mrs. Jones walker was launched a somewhat unexpected distance across the manicured green. It was a graceful and silent. A perfect parabola of flight, not at all like Mrs. Jones, who followed shortly after.

I could hear things breaking and Ultahombre attempted to root out Dr. Dress-up. His voice was like music to my ears. “Age defiling.” “Damn you Dress-up.” “Mother!”

I would try to tell you what was going on inside this building, but I myself never made it in. I was kept busy with the flood of seniors, who seemed surprisingly mobile coming out of all of the doors. I imagine he was in there guiding the innocent to freedom, that he was helping those who could not help themselves, he was as always being a hero of the people. I won’t even dignify the pending accusations with a response in this diary. Additionally, it was not long after this I was knocked unconscious, by the Doctor, not as you might have read, Mrs. Simpkins.