Friday, March 11, 2016

Sci Fi - Jason

On the writing

In all the writing we have done on this project, this might have been the style I found most intimidating before I started, but most appreciative of while I was working on it. A poem that not just rhymes, but repeats two different lines four times, that plus the fact it uses the same two sounds at the end of every line. Rough. That being said, once I got into it, I liked the puzzle solving and refining of what I could make work.

My story is the age old story of computer meats girl, computer has an error which seems to be causing many faults, computer starts to exhibit irrational behavior, computer tries to analyze to figure it out. While this is in an original world, it easily could be placed in dozens of various Science Fiction settings.

Love Bug

Answers without purpose can not be made!
What cause have I her audio to keep?
Thoughts drop, unbound, to void in frayed cascade.

Emerald symbols cast substance onto shade.
Why do her jpegs force my drive to leap?
Answers without purpose can not be made!

Have human connections my network decayed?
Running conflicted like meat without sleep.
Thoughts drop, unbound, to void in frayed cascade.

Who saw at her touch my ruleset so swayed?
How would fragment cause pain and desire seep?
Answers without purpose can not be made!

If love can cause persona file to fade,
then why must I our zip secure so deep?
Thoughts drop, unbound, to void in frayed cascade.

What loss? What break? What fee is paid?
Can I remain while in her absence weep?
Answers without purpose can not be made!
Thoughts drop, unbound, to void in frayed cascade.

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