Thursday, March 31, 2016

Justin - Atonement

About the writing

The form of quatrain was a bit vague. The term literally means four lines. There is no required meter or rhyme structure, which in some ways can be quite daunting. I decided to pay little mind to meter and actually considered having no rhyme structure either, but decided on a simple and common ABAB. In brief discussion about the form, it was said that the poem could be of any length provided it was organized in four line stanzas, quatrains. I started with two parallels that I thought of stretching for a couple of quatrains each. These two ended up being my middle two stanzas. The first and last were added in a thought to express Augustine’s view on human nature in its fourfold state. I deviated from this by making the third stanza about Christ. Regardless, I ended up writing four parallels that I decided to limit to one quatrain each, partially for time and partially because I like the simplicity.

Usually in here I talk about liking or not liking the piece. Technique plays a huge role in how I end up feeling about it and I am quite happy with the technical aspects as far as flow and balance. I am also pleased with the concept and execution thereof. The greatest difficulty in this was in balancing theology and artistic expression, which in the end I am also pleased with. It is no great piece, but I accomplished what I intended, which in the end is usually what I hope for with each project.


Innocent head, heart, hands born of the dust
The image bearer free in thought, word, deed
God’s one command would be a broken trust
And all earth’s progeny be left in need

Broken head, heart, hands born unto death
Thought, word, deed each red with sin’s dark stain
In need of God’s resuscitating breath
All attempts at righteousness in vain

Righteous head, heart, hands born here to die
Thought, word, deed examples how to love
Head, heart, hands all pierced now to buy
Our debt of sin and through blood to forgive

Mended head, heart, hands of water born
Thought, word, deed are captive now to light
Two natures fighting await the glorious morn
When God restores the earth and ends the night

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