Friday, May 5, 2017

Justin - Toilet Paper Monologue

Can you help me? Hmm, that is a bit of a question. Can you? I don’t know if you can help me or not; I don’t your skill set or knowledge base.
Here’s the problem, I’ve been standing here staring at the ridiculous amount of choices in toilet paper for the last twenty-three minutes and I am no closer to a decision than when I came in here. I remember going to the store with my mom when I was a kid and I am pretty sure there was like three types of toilet paper. There are now nine types of Charmin. Nine, right here on your shelf, nine. What is that? Are our various sphincter needs so diverse that we need this many options? Is this a matter of wiping styles or a matter of various metabolisms or diet? I’m curious because maybe I’ve been using my paper the wrong way or using the wrong paper for the job. I can tell by your expression that we are out of your expertise, that red vest didn’t come with training in personal care product engineering, so let’s assume it is simply a matter of preference and move on.
 So you have Ultra soft. No thanks; that stuff just shreds and pills. You need to wipe after you wipe. This seems like a reactionary response to the old John Wayne toilet paper. I get you don’t want sandpaper, but this is too far the other way. I just want a happy medium.
Now ultra-strong: the sound of that alone scares me. I mean I want strong toilet paper, single ply is completely out of the question (I was using single ply once and I hadn’t trimmed my nails in a while and, well, without being too improper, there was scraping,) but do I need Ultra strong? Have you seen this commercial where they wet this stuff and lift up weights with it? That seems like it was designed for something other than what I intend to use it for. Are there really jobs that people are doing with this that requires that level of tensile strength? If you need something that tough, use a paper towel.
Who decided we needed mega rolls? I get it; twice as much toilet paper means you have half the chance that the last guy left you stranded. What I see though is twenty pounds of soaking mess when my kid drops a whole roll in the toilet because the damned thing will not fit on the roll dispenser and they can’t see why balancing it on top of the roller directly over a bowl of water is a bad idea. Actually, they do that with normal size rolls that will fit on the dispenser; children are awful. They are also the reason I have to buy toilet paper so often, beyond dropping the roll; you’d think they were eating the stuff. The worst.
What’s this? Sensitive, with lotion? You have got to be kidding. I got blindsided once by one of those Puffs with lotion, it felt like I’d rubbed a piece of bacon on my nose. I can only imagine the pleasant feeling of walking around with my crack greased. Ugh. How long do you think it took them to find the balance between “this tissue contains lotion” and “this tissue feels like it was previously used?” I’m thinking it’s a fine line and one I would prefer to stay far away from entirely, especially when we are dealing with down there and not my face.
I mean, if you’re going to use TP with lotion, you might as well go for these flushable wet wipes. Also not my cup of tea. When one of my kids was in diapers I bought some mango scented wipes, it was horrible. Again, who thinks this is a good idea? Now the scent of mango is permanently tied to dirty diapers. It’s not like the scent covers up the smell of baby poop. It’s like those freshener sprays that just mix with whatever foul odor you’re trying to kill. We had one we called “shinilla” because after spraying it smelled like vanilla and...Well, you get it.
Is there no such thing as regular toilet paper anymore? How hard should it be to select a product to remove excrement from my backside? How many options should we have for wiping ours butts? Our grandparents used a page out of the Sears and Roebuck catalogue that was shipped to their houses for free; why am I trying so hard to spend money on something for this purpose? WHY?
Never mind, you can’t help me. I’m going to the dollar store where they have one type of toilet paper. If the kids drop one of those in the toilet, I’m out a quarter, no big deal.

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