Friday, June 9, 2017

Justin - Two Rondeaus on Life's Meaning

Soli Deo Gloria
Glory to God should be our aim,
In Him to joy and serve His name.
Man’s chief end, to glorify,
Exalting holy God on high;
All efforts, worship should inflame.
But without love, praise should bring shame;
For love has He a man became,
For love did our dear Savior die-
Glory to God!
So what more should be in the frame
Then kneeling at His holy name?
Kneel also to meet beggar’s eye;

Ignoring not nor passing by;
Love all and for the Father claim
Glory to God!

Six by Nine
Just “forty-two”? How can that be?
What question then did Deep Thought see?
We’d ask him but he only hums.
Meaning of life, reduced to sums;
Perchance ‘twas fourteen timed by three.
Six by nine? Insanity!
How can Deep the answer see
And not the query whence it comes?
Just “forty-two”?
Blowing, the question might be,
In wind: unknown, answered query.
“Roads traversed ‘til man becomes”

Says white lab mouse whilst nibbling crumbs.
Ten million years to wait and see.
Just *forty-two*

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