Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Community ABCs - Justin

ABCs of being part of a Community
Acceptance: Allow people in the community to be themselves and meet them there
Be Yourself: This gives the other members of the community the opportunity to accept the real you
Collaborate: You can’t do it all alone, work together
Develop: This is two ways, helping others development and letting them help yours
Engage: Community is not a place for distance and aloofness. Get involved
Forgive: Someone is going to offend you, you need to be able to forgive
Give: Of yourself, of your time, give what you can to the group
Help: When there is a need, help within your ability
Interest: Show interest in the lives of your community members
Justice: Keep your eyes open, groups frequently lean away from justice, be on guard
Kindred: Find the commonality you’re excited by 
Listen: This skill is being lost, when someone is talking, listen to what they are saying
Make Plans: Be intentional; community doesn’t just happen
No: Sometimes you need to say “no;” it’s ok
Openness: Be all in, share your thoughts and your burdens
Protect: Guard the quieter or weaker members of the group from being run over
Question: Make sure you get what’s going on; don’t assume, ask
Relish diversity: There are strengths in differences
Serve: Small ways and big, serve each other and serve together
Together: A community needs to spend time together, community cannot be solo
Understanding: always try to see where someone is coming from
Value: Everybody has value, actively look for the value in others
Willing: Even when the group decides to take an action you don’t like, give it a fair chance
Xylophone: If you don’t understand its importance, I can’t help
whY xylophone?: Seriously, I can’t help you
Zeal: Be eagerly active, if you don’t have a zealous joy in your community, you may be in the wrong place

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