Saturday, November 12, 2016

City - Jason

The Last Homely House

Beautiful she seems to float or hide
A timid girl whose scent you can’t forget
I was fifty then and Oakenshield was by my side
Protected Misty Mountains foothills set

Babbling Bruinen warmed the air
She sleeps upon that river’s golden shore
The enchanting house of Elrond stripped us of our care
Here precious little rest bestowed great cure

Graven ancient house had perfect Halls
For food or dance or work or sleep
Soothed on twilit porch by gloried tales and waterfalls
Charged was she the elves and men to keep

Sixty years on There and Back Again
And ink like joyous days seem nearly done
So like Gandalf I sojourned where I dreamed from my home, Bag End
That the journey end where once begun

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