Sunday, July 17, 2016

Justin - Soul Sestina

About the writing

I struggled with this both with time to write and with concept. I settled on this idea of the soul expressing itself in art which stemmed from the idea that we are made in the image of the creator. I then balanced “negative” or painful line ending words with “positive” or creative, artistic words.

This allowed the changing meaning through context to be a bit more natural.

I almost redid the martyr stanza. Part of me thinks the idea doesn’t belong here, but the other part of me thinks that the tying of the martyr to the artists is so natural there should be no consideration of removing it.

I like the form. I feel like if I wrote two or three of these it would become natural and finding the balance of voice would be easier. For my first sestina, I’m quite happy.

*no punctuation* 

The Voice of the Soul

From the soul in mourning do I weep
Heeding the dirge the beating heart does sing
Each beat a gush of life outpouring bleed
Each note accented by a shattered cry
The world obscured by harsh black brush stroked paint
In sorrow requiems all that’s left to write

From the soul the poet lyrics write
Emotions through the ink of letters weep
A picture in the chosen verbiage paint
A silent song printed for others to sing
Through careful form he tames his feral cry
In measured words he lets the passion bleed

From the soul the martyr zealous bleed
And know that the historians may write
The righteousness or frailty of their cry
And whether any would at their grave weep
Will we the hymns that they have left us sing
Will we their portraits in the chapel paint

From the soul the artist pictures paint
Passion from palette and his brushes bleed
A hymn to creation by oil and canvas sing
A psalm to the creator by gentle brushstrokes write
Joy in drops of canary yellow weep
Sorrow in streaks of a cerulean cry

From the soul the wordless sorrows cry
The sound that Munch captured in his paint
Too broken to curse too angry to weep
The scream is all that’s left to out bleed
Formed in letters not yet designed to write
Tuneless song of sorrow no voice can sing

From the soul the singers their song sing
In time giving form to sorrows cry
Finding a way the wordless thoughts to write
In tune and glorious beauty sorrow paint
So on the listening ears the voices bleed
Together singer and hearer in chorus weep

Singing the soul seeks out its joy to paint
Crying crimson tears, sorrow on the canvas I bleed
I weep the words in ink my poem to write

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