Saturday, December 24, 2016

Jason - Christmas Movie

Dear Mr. Berenbaum,

First, let me say, I was super excited, like syrup on gummi bears excited to see the documentary we produced. Woo Hoo! We did it. Anyway, I don’t mean to nit pick but there were some things which I thought we agreed were a little too naughty. I am certain you just forgot, so when you do that last edit, it would be swell if you could cut out a few of these things. Let’s make room for everyone on the nice list.

When your nice crew was filming, remember how that set the stage so I would run into that fake Santa? I don’t think that was an honest experience, also I feel bad that I said he smelled like beef and cheese. He did, it was horrible and he should be ashamed, but it is not very nice to tell everyone. Also, when I had a little slip I thought we agreed we didn’t need to include my reference to his sitting on a “throne of lies”. That wasn’t very elf-like. I mean, I think you did a great job, but who want’s to see an unhappy elf? It was odd how you included my excitement about Santa coming, even though you knew it would lead to this. I guess that is because you wanted to show just how much I love Santa. He is the best.

On the topic of Santa I would rather he not see some of the other less than festive things I might have said during the filming. It might have been nice to know you have set those boys up to throw snowballs at us, so I would not have had that outburst. It was not fair to nutcrackers, or their prospective children. In the north pole we are subject to a small fee for not only references to the progeny of nutcrackers, but also the mothers of the elves who are assigned frosting cookies and a few other things. Anyway, if we could trim that first snowball hit, or what whole snowball fight, that would be great.

Perhaps we could add more singing. Singing is great. Or friends, or big hugs. Remember that day I made snow angels for three hours, and my lips turned blue? Maybe we could use that.

Greatest Cheer,

Buddy the Elf

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