Sunday, June 5, 2016

Justin - Time Travel

About the writing.

I came up with the idea for this pretty early after we came up with the assignment. I don’t really have much to say without spoilers which is always a danger with time travel. This is another one of those weeks where I think with more time this could stretch into something much larger than whatever can be produced in a week. Enjoy.

Transcript of traveler and computer diagnostic logs from TDTD Mk II test # 10.

Computer diagnostic Date: unknown; Latitude: unknown; Longitude: unknown; External Temperature: 11 degC

Travelers log date as of yet undetermined so I will presume for now the jump was on target and it is late spring early twelfth century somewhere in the English countryside. This is Colonel Gordon Briggs of the Aeronautics Space and Time Administration first report from Tedted mark two test number ten first attempt at a millennial jump for this ship. I must say that whatever you boys in engineering did on this new engine was outstanding. Every jump I made in the mark one, even the early one day jumps, I’d spend the first hour feeling like hell, but I feel great. Anyway let’s look at these readouts. Looks like the sensors are having trouble finding when and where we are, not unusual for a big jump. Temp looks good outside, let’s see if we can finish that picture with the surveillance cams…there we go, looks like we got some sun. Also looks like three out of four cameras are in deep foliage but I have one clear picture, nice wooded area. Well I expect the computer will be able to do some calculations and figure out where we are tomorrow, if not, I have started the standard forty-eight hour protocol timer and will be prepared to start recon as soon as permitted.

 Computer diagnostic Date: unknown; Latitude: unknown; Longitude: unknown; External Temperature: 12 degC

Travelers log…we’ll say day two, not sure what the problem is with the computer, not a huge deal, just stuck in the ship for another…twenty-three hours and forty-three minutes or until the coordinates get figured out. I couldn’t see much going on out of the one camera but was able to get some interesting stuff off of some probes and sensors. First, the atmosphere seems fairly normal but there is an elevated amount of oxygen; twenty-five percent to be exact. I’m sure that won’t give me any negative effects when I get to go out but to be safe, once released from the forty-eight hour quarantine protocol, I intend to stay near Teddy hear for the first hour or so. I imagine I’ll feel a little high. Also a soil sample collected from one of Teddy’s probes was tested and there is a substance that was not readily identified. Together these two findings are a bit alarming, but I imagine it could just be a glitch in the analyzing software. Teddy’s still a fairly new ship after all.

Computer diagnostic Date: unknown; Latitude: unknown; Longitude: unknown; External Temperature: 10 degC

Travelers log day three. Ok well I put on the monk robe and spent a good hour outside. Nothing weird; I guess I might have a heightened energy level or maybe I’m just excited to step out for a little bit. No contact with locals was made but I did notice what looks like some chimney smoke from several fires off to the…north I’ll say based on the sun direction. I have my recording equipment in my robe so I should be able to get something to help Teddy here figure out where and when we are.

Traveler’s log day three continued, I’m starting to get a bit worried. I found a village and was able to get some audio and visual data. Nothing is right. The locals are not speaking any dialect that I am familiar with and I’ve been to this time before with Teddy one. I’m a linguist, it’s part of why I get the long range missions. Also, the style of dress is less like the twelfth century and more like…I don’t know, like a movie version of the twelfth century. I’m loading the data onto Teddy’s main to see if he can make any more since of it, but I didn’t understand a word after spending the last six months brushing up on my Middle ages European language. I’m hoping Teddy can at least pick up some patterns, I wrote that program so I might tweak it if he doesn’t come up with anything.

Computer diagnostic Date: unknown; Latitude: unknown; Longitude: unknown; External Temperature: 9 degC

Traveler’s log day four. I think we’ve been able to figure out some basics of the language, still not sure what language it is and Teddy still hasn’t been able to figure it out. I’m going to make another run to the village and try to get some more audio and video and see if we can’t crack this.

Ok. I’m ok. OK. I didn’t make it to the village. There’s a dragon out there. I got about twenty feet away from Teddy and I saw a dragon out there. I’m trying to see if I got a picture. It wasn’t big. Maybe the size of a large horse; like a Clydesdale. So not, like, a, um big dragon. What am I saying? What size is a dragon supposed to be? THERE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DRAGONS! Teddy is informing me that my heartrate and blood pressure are elevated and protocol requires that I rest and take a sedative.

 Traveler’s log day four continued. I’m doing better now. The only thing I can figure is that instead of just going back we went sideways or diagonal. I think I skipped timelines which is kind of exciting, I guess, but I’m also freaked out. I can’t think of another explanation. I think when we skipped the incremental tests and skipped from one hundred years to one thousand we made a mistake. I think we may have missed some stuff that we may have caught if we were less excited. Anyway, I’ve went through the pictures and I caught the dragon so I’m going to hit the home button and abort this mission.

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted

What is error 63? Checking, and, foreign organism detected. What? Ok apparently something got into the ship that Teddy doesn’t recognize and we can’t bring it home. I’m running the scan so Teddy can pin point whatever it is for me.

Computer Diagnostic: One life form detected in cockpit; foreign organism detected in cockpit

So apparently Teddy thinks I’m a foreign organism. That’s bad. I’m going to run through the decontamination chamber and see what if that helps. I’ve hit the home button so Teddy should run pre-jump checks every five minutes and jump when possible. This means I’m here in the ship until we get this fixed.

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted

Ok, decontamination didn’t help. I’m going to try to figure something out.

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted

Ok. I have to take a risk. I’m going to go outside and prop the door open. I’m going to start collecting any plants, spiders, anything I can get and see if I can’t shock the sensors into reset. I did something like this on Ted one. I’ll wait until the next read so I have a solid five minutes then I’m going for it.

Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: Error 63, Jump Aborted
Computer Pre-Jump Diagnostic: No life forms detected, main hatch open. Computer override closing main hatch. Jump initiated.

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